My morning... I went to bed really late or early, however you want to look at 1:30 AM. Before going to bed I took two DayQuil capsules. I know they are for the day, but our NyQuil was downstairs and in liquid form; yuck! Neal was completely restless last night. He kept tossing and turning as well as doing a little talking in his sleep. At one point all his antics woke him up. Suddenly he's starring at me. I told him he wasn't sleeping well. Anyway, I finally fell asleep, but woke up coughing around 4:30 AM. Every time I coughed Neal would jump. =( You really can't suppress a cough. I did my best to do just that. Grabbed some DayQuil and took it about 15 minutes before I was supposed to then headed downstairs for the couch. I was temped to take care of my mommy duties and set Kaitlyn on the potty, but I ruled that out. You know leather couches can be cold at night. Brrrr.... So I curled up with a couple throw blankets for a good cough.
On a little rabbit trail now, when you have a home alarm there's a whole different level of insecurity. While laying on the couch I was thinking about our safety. We have an alarm because we need it. It's the need that can be worrisome. The alarm is just to scare the intruder away and to call the cops. It doesn't prevent them from breaking in.
Back to my story... I finally warmed up and fell asleep on the couch only to be woken up by Neal coming down the stairs. I worked hard to ignore all his door slamming. Note to everyone; TURN THE DOOR KNOB when shutting a door while people are sleeping. While in Minnesota this Christmas I learned where Neal gets his "quietness". *sigh* So after loud cabinet doors are all closed, as well as our bedroom door and the one leading into the garage I again fell back to sleep. I'm not sure how long I slept before I heard, "Mommy and Daddy, where are you?" I called to Kaitlyn telling her I was downstairs. She found me on the couch. Usually when she wakes up she spends 30 minutes are so talking while laying in bed. She doesn't give me that luxury. Immediately it's, "Mommy get up!" Then she heads off to the pantry. I know if I don't get up she will be opening things I don't want her in. So I trudge into the kitchen with one eye closed and the other one mostly closed. While pouring her a bowl of cereal I send her off to potty. Wouldn't you know she would finish before me. I made her wait a moment then headed off to clean her dirty rear. She pushed her high chair in the living room. Yes she still uses a high chair in the mornings. I plan on milking that one as long as she will fit in it. Breakfast is usually her messiest meal; the high chair catches the mess. In the mix of all this I turned off the alarm, went upstairs and let Sadie out of her pen, put her outside, got her some food, let her back in the house and fed the fish, all within the first five minutes of waking up and still with one eye closed. The whole time I kept thinking it's not fair how I'm expected to be on "go". I then started ticking off other unfair things like typically being the last to eat which leaves me still sitting at the table when everyone else is done. Or when I finally get a bowl of cereal in the mornings Sadie is done eating and wants back outside. Kaitlyn finishes her cereal while I'm still eating and wants out of her high chair or more food. Sadie wants back in because there wasn't anything interesting going on outside. When I finally get back to my cereal it's usually soggy. However, with all these interruptions... they're my morning and I really don't mind in the long run. As I sit here typing Kaitlyn has hurt herself again and is up in my lap, Sadie wants back outside, and my three bites of cereal are still waiting on me. Good morning world!
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