Look! A kitchen! It has knobs that really turn so I can turn on the oven and stove top. And a MICROWAVE!!! Did you see the microwave!!

Mommy says I have a baby bed and she doesn't understand why I don't like it as much as I like this one. It's like she hasn't even noticed the baby bath. SEE I'm giving the babies a bath right next to their bed! They can get a bath then go right to bed. Although it's been taking off this one it even has a mobile over the bed. The one I have doesn't come with a mobile.

Then there's my other favorite part... A HIGHCHAIR!!!! My baby bed doesn't have a highchair connected to it. Actually I don't have one at all. So I can wash Maddie, give her a bath, then put her to bed. Oh this is such a great toy.
Now listen closely Nana and Grammie... this is one that could save me from getting into a lot of trouble. I think mommy and daddy are looking into getting me one of these, I heard them say they need to do some more research on which would be the best to buy, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to cover my bases and tell you about it too. I've been practicing my photography skills with mommy and daddy's cameras and they aren't to happy about it. The problem is I know how to snap a picture and I even get my fingers out of the way at times, but I don't know how to delete the pictures to keep them from knowing I
played practiced taking my photography.
Other things I like... PUZZLES! I'm getting really good at them too. I like asking, "wonder where it goes" while holding a piece up to mommy or daddy then quickly showing them where it goes. =)
I like books! I'm always getting mommy to stop at the books when we are at the BX.
Fish! I REALLY like fish, but mommy and daddy said I can't have any. =( At least they let me look at them when we go to Walmart.
Two of my favorite shows to watch are Word World and Super Why. I like building words, (singing) "let's build it, let's build it now!" Oh sorry, I was saying I like building words like they do on Word World. I've built words with mommy's coasters and daddy's foam too.
I'm a Dora and Sesame Street fan. I like saying every ones name as they come on the screen when Sesame Street is first coming on. And D-D-Dora, D-D-Dora, Dora! I like watching her and Boots go on adventures with Backpack. I have to watch out for Swiper though to make sure there's no swiping.
I like trying on other people's shoes and then walking around. Mommy and I were looking at pretty dress-up shoes today. Mommy said Christmas is to close for me to be asking for anything. =(
I like socks! I got new clothes recently when it was cold outside and didn't care to put them on until mommy reminded me of the socks. Yes, they were plain, but they are SOCKS! I have some Tinkerbell socks that I love to mix and match with my Care Bear socks. Only recently did I were just the Tinkerbell.
Somethings I don't care for are new babies. Mommy is always showing me new babies, but I already have My Maddie and The Girls. I really don't have room in my bed or arms for any more girls right now.
I don't like jean shopping. Mommy made me put on SOOOOO many jeans. She says my booty is hard to fit in jeans because it's like daddy's. I said, "No, I'm a girl!" and she said I'm a girl with a little booty. So please don't buy me jeans. It will just mean mommy will take me shopping again to find a replacement pair that fit. Actually mommy says she likes making me clothes because they are unique so maybe you should just give me fabric so she can make me something. She gets it at the fabric store. The one where the lady always watches me closely because I accidentally peed on her floor once, no twice. =(
Okay I think that's all for now.
1 comment:
It's a good camera..Lanta got one a couple of years ago and it's still going strong..the baby changing table/washing table is GREAT :) How fun is that :) can't believe that Christmas is just around the corner....
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