I have been doing my posting from Neal's laptop which is why they are picture free. Now that I have dumped my pictures I thought it was time I get on here and show you some of them. It's surprising what you find when you haven't cleared your memory card in a while.

While Nana and Papa visited Kaitlyn had to sport her tutu. Notice the candy bracelet, that would be Papa's doing.
Where are her pants you may wonder? I have no idea. With Kaitlyn most anything is possible.
Kaitlyn's new adventure is learning how to work a computer mouse. She is actually really good at it. She's wobbly with the pointer and turns the mouse sideways sometimes, but she gets the job done. What's she doing you may ask? She's playing Fisher Price toddler games. They help her learn her colors, ABC's, numbers, and shapes.
Last Sunday Kaitlyn was running to the nursery when she fell down and hit her right cheek and eyebrow on the hard ground. With the pictures being smaller you can't see the red spot on her eyebrow. I took this picture hoping to show the black eye that came from the fall, but it just won't show up in the pictures as dark as it really was. It's been a week and she still has it.
The next night I thought I would try again to get a good black eye shot and this is what she gave me. For the record, I don't believe I have ever done this to her. I think she just has a little bit of Uncle Travis in her.
1 comment:
Love all the new pictures :)
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