Monday, August 25, 2008


Here's the finished product. Kaitlyn wasn't to happy about having them on. I think she's tired and cranky. Don't you love her Tinkerbell panties over her diaper? Hehehe... It's really warm today and when we were putting her down for a nap I could foresee her diaper coming off with only a dress on. To save her the trouble we took the dress off her and slipped the panties over her diaper. She has been running around like this for the last couple hours.

Anyway, back to the leg warmers or leggings, whatever you want to call them. They were easy to make and would have only been easier if I didn't have to go look at something Kaitlyn had about four times, change a diaper, dig Hot Wheels out from under the sewing machine and so forth.

The only tall funky socks sold at the BX were Mud brand. If I wanted them in white I had to take the ones that said "spoiled rotten", "boy crazy" and so on. I decided for $6 a pair I would just stick with the black and polka dotted ones.

Here's a random picture from today.

Kaitlyn dumped out her cloth diapers (mulitple times) so she could get into the basket.

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