I sold my first item on Etsy this week! Woohoo! Yes it's only one item, but it's a start. I sent an Elmo hair clip off to MOPS International last week for the convention coming up the first week of August. They will use it and all their other donations as giveaways. It sounds like they are giving them away on Twitter and Facebook, but seeing how they are taking everything to Florida for the convention I'm wondering if they will be giving some away there too.
Alright I need to go find something to do with my preschooler. She's bored and Neal's not feeling well. Those are not a good combo.
I love this hair clip, its so cute. I might just have to hope over to Etsy to get one for my Doots.
Sorry about the happenings in your previous post, I know that you will find peace about it eventually.
Jen AKA Snowfrog from Xanga
Yeah that's great :)
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