Friday, September 4, 2009

Good News!!!

Kaitlyn only has to wear her brace at night now!!! Woohooo!!! We saw Dr Brock yesterday and he said everything looks really good. He checked out her incision site. He said we need to find her tight biker shorts to keep her from getting a bad scar. His hope is the scar will disappear. We are putting a gel he suggested on it 3-4 times a day. Last night I searched and searched and searched. Where in the world do you find biker shorts for a toddler? When he saw her she actually had a pair on. I had bought them at Walmart. However they are not a great pair. We have two of them and the Walmart shorts just stretch out during the day. We need some shorts that won't stretch out. I'm thinking about heading to Hancocks Fabrics and looking for some swimsuit material then talking to the women on tips of how to sew such fabric; meaning what stitch do I use to keep the stretchability. Hmmm... Maybe I should check The Children's Place for some of their leggings. I could buy them in a smaller size so they will be tighter. Hmmm...

Anyway, after talking about the fights Kaitlyn and I have he asked when she would turn three (Dec 24) then went through her chart. He said nothing has been proven that 12 months is better then nine so he gave us a big break by only wearing the brace at night. Now hold on... nine months? Kaitlyn has only worn the brace since April. He never mentioned before that when he told us she would wear it for at least a year he really didn't mean the brace. He meant she would be wearing something, cast or brace. Because it's been almost nine months since her surgery.


SnowFrog said...

check out Walmart for Geranimals leggings. They have the long length ones right now for winter, I think they are only $5 a pair. You could also maybe try those Baby legs things. But if the scar is more on her hip than thigh then that might not work as well.

Too bad they don't make spanx in a toddler size =). Good luck finding something.

Jen, (aka Snowfrog)

Hilary said...

Glad you got some good news...wish I knew where to get them for you...good luck in your search!!!Thank God you just have to wear that dumb brace at night :)

Jayne Wittschen said...

oh thats great!!! I bet you were so excited when Dr. Brock told you that!! And I didnt know the wearing a cast/brace for a yr...he never mentioned that to me either.

YES!! I'm so glad that she only has to wear it at night!