Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Please Pray

Did you know there's a lady in Houston pregnant with six babies? Her name is
Amanda Stansel; her husband's name is Thomas. Amanda took fertility drugs and got pregnant with twins. At 18 weeks she delivered her little ones because of an incompetent cervix. Babies need to be at least 23 weeks gestation to live outside the womb so she lost her twins. She's now pregnant again, but with six. She's currently in her 22nd week of pregnancy and fighting for each additional day. To try and avoid the problem she had last time they put a stitch in her cervix. However it may have to come out soon. Amanda has been having contracts off and on all week and is now at 2cm. Leaving the stitch in could cause her to rip (ouch!). For those wondering she has been in the hospital on bed rest (now 100% bed rest) for over a month.

Amanda is a Christian and has put her six little ones in God's hands. He knows how far the pregnancy will go and the future of her four little girls and two boys.

So please, while going about your day please pray for the Stansel six pack and their parents Amanda and Thomas.

You can read more on the family by clicking on Amanda's name at the top.

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