She's two and as of a few months ago living on a new continent; her likes are changing. While living in England Kaitlyn had a whole different string of kids shows she watched like In The Night Garden, Come Outside, and The Shiny Show. She still watches all these shows thanks to However, she's now getting to know a whole new group of characters.
Elmo. Other then the TMX Elmo (whom she didn't know who he was when he was packed up in December) and a couple ABC and shape books she doesn't own anything Elmo, but really likes him. When he comes on TV I hear "Elmo, Mommy, Elmo!" She always wants to play with the Elmos when we walk down toy isles.
Hello Kitty. The girl knows her Hello Kitty. Recently I bought Hello Kitty flannel fabric to make Kaitlyn some Boutique Bottoms sleeping pants. I have yet to make them, but she did find the fabric yesterday in her destructive nap time. She doesn't seem to care so much about Hello Kitty dolls as she does fabric, shirts, ect... Someone sent her a Hello Kitty watch from a Happy Meal and she loves it. We also have Hello Kitty Band-Aids... Has anyone ever heard, "Ouch, Hello Kitty Mommy, Hello Kitty"? When she gets hurt she wants a Hello Kitty Band-Aid. BTW, I don't give her a bandage just because she has a bump. The child better be bleeding or have a nasty cut before I will put a bandage on it.
Tinkerbell. The girl loves Tinkerbell. She never noticed anything Tinkerbell before watching the movie a couple months ago. She pulled it out of mom and dad's stash one day so I thought, "why not play it?" and it's been a hit ever since. Of course Tinkerbell is big right now so you see her everywhere. Just like Hello Kitty and Elmo I often hear in the high toddler voice she sports "Tinkerbell, Mommy, Tinkerbell!"
Hermie. Since watching Hermie and Friends videos Kaitlyn is even more interested in bugs. After seeing the videos she noticed her sheet has lady bugs all over it. Thankfully she has been giving us a break, but she used to watch Hermie a minimum of three times a day. When her Hermie craze began we only had one video. Thankfully we are up to four or five now. What I like about Hermie is it's a God centered cartoon with a lesson to be learned like sharing, praying, following the rules and so forth. I only wish we could find Hermie t-shirts, fabric, or even party decor. My goal for her half birthday party is to make a caterpillar cake. It may not look like Hermie, but it will be made out of round cakes in the rough shape of a caterpillar.
Beyond her new favorite characters Kaitlyn loves being outside and reading books. Her three new Dr Seuss books will soon be burned into my mind (like some of her other books) from reading them to her so much. She also rediscovered some Bible story flip books recently. She keeps telling me the Jonah and Daniel books are Jesus. Why does she think they are Jesus? I don't know I didn't tell her they were.
Dane loves Elmo!! He gets excited anytime he sees him on Sesame Street or in stores! Did yall like living in England? One plus about having your hubby in the service is that you get to see cool places!!
By the way... I still have something for you, but havent made it to the post office!! Sorry!! :) I'm going to try today to get it out!!
How is Kaitlyn doing in her brace? Is she able to get around pretty good, are you still liking it? We have 10 days left of this 1st cast!! woohoo
I stumbled across your blog by googling rhino brace after spica cast. What a relief seeing your story, it is identical to my own. Dr.'s not listening to concerns, Payton has also diagnosed with DDH at the age of 2. She had surgery on her right hip also, and after 6 weeks of casting, the hip still wasn't quite in it's socket. She is in another spica for 4 more weeks, and then the rhino brace for who knows how long. Your story has been helpful and encouraging. Payton hasn't once tried to crawl or pull to a stand in her cast. She walked well prior to surgery just like a duck. I'm glad to see your daughter has done so well. Feel free to contact me with more to come on her progress. Email
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