Tuesday, August 12, 2008

One Of Those Days

No Kaitlyn, that isn't a hat.


Missy said...

hi jennifer. long time reader, but i don't believe i've ever left you a comment... love this moment in your day with Kaitlyn. in other items, i love the sewing projects you're always working on. i bought a sewing machine nearly two years ago; haven't used it. i can't get the blessed bobbin in the feeder drawer thingy under the needle (you know what i mean?) ha... happy day!

Jennifer said...

Missy, you should go to your local fabric store or some craft store that sells sewing machines and ask them about it. I had trouble with my bobbin tension right after I got the machine. No matter what I did it wouldn't tighten. My work was loopy on the back. =( I hunted someone down and pegged them with questions. The lady didn't even sell my brand, but she had a lot of good suggestions. The other thing I did was pull up my machine online and read through the Q&A section. I finally got my answer. I was embarrassed to learn it was a very simple fix. My next step would have been having them walk me through it either over the phone or IM.
I hope you’re able to fix the problem. And no the problem isn’t you. =) Thanks for stopping by!

Hilary said...

Aww Kaitlyn must be watching the Olympics..is she wearin' her China man hat! :) too cute!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!!! Kaitlyn is the cutest little thing ever! She looks good enough to eat...well maybe that part is the food. Okay, it's a toss-up now about my favorite Pure Joy photo between this and last December when she locked herself in the dog crate. Well, I guess that one still wins first place, but this is a close second. Jennifer your blog is a blessing to me. I can't look at Kaitlyn's picture without smiling; what a smart little handfull she is.

You have such CUTE DOGS too! How is Sadie today?
