Tell me why it's so hard to measure sometimes? It's as if my mommy brain takes over and suddenly I'm unable to think clearly. I was trying to make a diaper clutch out of two flat quarters and wouldn't you know even with using a cutting mat, large ruler and rotary cutter I still didn't get the measurement right. I really don't know what my problem was. I didn't have any other fabric to match what I just messed up so I went for other scrap fabric. I had found some I was wanting to use on a diaper clutch for a young mother. I figured it was "cool" enough a 19 year old would like to carry it around. Since I couldn't decide on a back up plan (read "fabric choice") for my diaper clutch I decided to tackle Stephanie's. It came out really well. I followed the tutorial from Blessed Roots. Once I finally decided I do know how to cut fabric it came right together. I didn't put a button on it. I'm still doing a bit of a debate, but I think I will use Velcro. Being a mom of a rambunctious 18 month old I know how important it is to change a diaper then chase down your child. Fighting a button is just out of the question. With Velcro you could change the diaper and have the clutch back together and ready to go before your child has the chance to bolt. The picture above is the one Blessed Roots made. I only used two colors on mine; the interfacing is all that's different.
Can't wait to see pictures! :)K
That is soooo cute!! i would have liked one of the fabric too!!
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