Sunday, July 15, 2012

First Communion

Seven months ago today Kaitlyn Joy asked Jesus into her heart.  Usually, when we get to church she goes straight to Children's Church, but since May we attend the first service then we all go to Children's Church were Neal and I have the 2nd and 3rd graders.  I believe it was June 3rd that we had communion at church.  I didn't expect it - it's not like we do it on the same Sunday every month - so I hadn't prepared Kj for it.  I quickly gave her the "lowdown" as they passed everything out.

A funny on Kj...  After drinking the juice I reached for her tiny cup and she shoved her tongue in it making sure she got every last drop.  If you've never seen the tiny communion cups many churches use, they are clear and small enough you could stick it over your eye: how do I know?  I've done it.  Hehehe...  Anyway, she handed it over and said, "that was embarrassing".  Nope, it was expected.

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