Neal has a three day weekend starting today... now what to do? We thought about going camping, but waited to long to call for reservations. Okay, I'll be honest, I called yesterday. I told them I knew it was a shot in the dark. =) I needed to call right before or after we went to Disney World. Be honest though... can you even consider going camping when you're about to leave or just got back from Disney World? I did think about it, I just couldn't bring myself to call. Anyway, as a back up plan we thought about floating down the Guadalupe and freezing out back ends off. That might not be the best idea for this weekend though. We may wait until next weekend.
This is the end of day one from an upstairs window.
Lunch break day two.

On a not "Woohoo! It's a long holiday weekend" note, I really want to put in an L shaped flowerbed next to our deck. We also have to seal the deck this weekend. We had to wait until we've gone six days rain free and that would be Monday. Honestly it feels like it's been a long wait. Oh, I guess those of you in blog world didn't know we had a deck put in the Tuesday we got back from Disney World. Okay, here's the pictures you never saw (unless you are also on Facebook)...

End of day two. It would be completely done, but they were shorted a couple boards that went around the bottom of the deck. They came back the next morning and put them on. Within an hour they had cleaned up all their debris, put the boards on, looked the deck over for places they missed a screw, and left. Now we are just waiting to seal it.
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