Kaitlyn loves being outside. While we were living in the UK (4 years and 2 months) we couldn't stay outside long. Most of the time it was cold or cool, high winds, or raining. When it was warm we went out. Last week it was raining here so when it stopped and warmed up we went outside.

While Kaitlyn road her tricycle, I decided to clean up all the limbs from downed trees. The pile behind Kaitlyn, near the fence is of green plants so it won't burn yet; I tried. =) All the dead burned leaving the big green leaves. Look on the other side of the fence... there used to be six trees I believe laying over there. We pulled all, but two into the burn pile. Yesterday we put leaves and small sticks around the two remaining trees and tried to burn them where they were. I see this morning they are still out there. =( Kaitlyn's favorite activity while we do this? As you can see she loves riding the four wheeler.
She climbs off and on it most of the time we're working. By the time we go in we all smell like smoke and Kaitlyn is DIRTY.
For the last three mornings, before breakfast, Kaitlyn asks to get on her tricycle. As soon as I set her down she puts a foot into the air and says "shoe!" I no longer run for a pair. As soon as she gets shoes on she expects to go outside.
For all enquiring minds, Kaitlyn is wearing a 24 months Carter's dress which is why it's so short. Normally, I put a 3t-4t dress on her so it's plenty long enough to cover her cast. Also, the hump on her back is the spica cast. It goes down to both knees. If you click on the last picture you can see the purple cast sticking out from under her dress.
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