Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wipe Out!

What happens after a good nap time of trashing your room? Beyond a mad mommy with a newly shortened temper you get a cranky baby. Grrr... She doesn't get this is why she must sleep. After cleaning up her mess then realizing she was really tired. I began to wonder what I should do to get her to sleep. She was being awful and begging for food all at the same time. I made her a peanut butter and apple sauce sandwich which seemed to tame the savage beast. As soon as it was gone she started going through the list of things she likes to eat as her way of saying she wants more. "Cheese, cheese... apple, apple... cracker... juice, juice... (now whiny) aaaapple". As I went for some juice I saw the bowl of corn in the fridge. She was fine eating it cold and I was good with getting her to stop asking for food. With the corn being in a plastic bowl I didn't want to heat it up unless she wouldn't eat it cold; at that point I would need to dump it into a different bowl. Anyway, she got really quite. I turned around to see this...

This is what we like to see happen in her room during nap time.


Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading about Kaitlyn. She is adorable. Enjoy every minute of her life because they grow up fast. Mine are grown, my youngest is 22 years old. Please send me a picture of your Dee Dee dress when finished. I can't wait to see it.

Anonymous said...

What sweet photos! We have a similar one of our oldest falling asleep in her highchair at about that same age! It's so sweet.

And as for the yelling and indecisiveness (and independent attitude and mess-making and everything else you're dealing with lately), I am going through it all right now, too!

Hilary said...

AWWWW love the pictures! Hang-in there Mommy Kaitlyn will get better at it with time..Too bad England is so far away I wouls just say bring Kaitlyn over and go have a break :) HAve a great weekend!!